Thursday, March 25, 2010

Afternoon TV and That Old Show About the Male Stripper

I'm at home today watching my three month old daughter, so what better time for my first contribution. Unless she wakes up, which has happened several times already, I'll get through this with my sanity.

There's not much to offer for daytime TV these days - lots of Law & Order, LOTS of Law & Order, and then some sports, terrible movies, soaps, afternoon talk shows, some news stuff, tons of syndicated shows. I think the Food Network and HGTV offer the best options - they show the same stuff regardless of the time of day so it doesn't matter when you watch - you're getting a cooking show or a house hunting/reonvation show and you'll like it.

I've decide to do a blog for the show Yes, Dear, showing at both 1 and 1:30 on TBS. I never knew this show went off the air - I actually can't remember when it was on. It says this episodes is from 2001 - it's entitled "Guess Who's Not Coming to Dinner". I think it's a take on that old movie - holy smoke I just saw the hottest ad for Beyonce's fragrance, no time log, just know it happened between 1 and 1:30 - amazing. Umm, I can't remember what I was writing.

So, I've never watched Yes, Dear, I honestly have no idea what it's about or who's in it, but apparently it was on sometime last decade, toward the beginning, and it's now in syndication - they will syndicate anything, it's unbelievable. Nobody watched these shows when there on in primetime. So here were go

1: 19 - picking up on end of the 1:00 episode, there's a kid who got sent home form school for fighting, and his mother and two other guys are talking to him. I think one is the principal, the other guy's dressed as a cop. He must me a male stripper (no gun). So the show's about a woman who's married to a male stripper with a dysfunctional kid

1:21 - the cop stripper and his wife are fighting about not having enough sex in front of the principle - this is such a staple of terrible 40 something family sitcoms - lack of sex and the hilarity that ensues. When will they come up with a sitcom where the guy sells viagra - actually scratch that, there'd be nothing to talk about if the couple was actually having sex

1:22 - wait, the woman just asked if she should drop out of college because her stripper husband feels like they don't see each other enough, what with the troubled kid and all. She looks older, must be a non traditional student

1:23 - the principal just left so the two can have a "serious" talk about how life is changing

1:24 - the man is actually a security guard stripper, not a cop, my mistake. I wonder if this is worse than a cop stripper - is there a hierarchy? Like FBI or CIA stripper is at the top and mall cop stripper at the bottom?

1:25 - cue the laugh track! Reminds me of that Family Guy episode where Peter starts his own TV station

1:26 - there's a sound coming from by back yard that sounds like a cross between a giant fire fly and the Smoke Monster from Lost. As an aside, that song Fireflies is the current title holder for song that most makes me want to hot wax my balls while sticking pointed sticks in my ears

1:28 - the man and woman are kissing, insinuating that they will now have sex in the principal's office. That has to violate some type of school conduct code. Cue laugh track

1:29 - advertisements for Snuggle, some make up product, Triscuits, and Clorox. Apparently Clorox prevents H1N1 - who knew? I wonder if you have to ingest it or just rub it all over your self, or maybe use it like Purell?

1:30 - ITT tech ads - these always depress me.

1:31 ( I'm a little behind, had to feed my daughter who then proceeded to poop all the way up her back - incredible/gravity defying) - so the couple from before are with some other couple (they seem to be friends and are all crowded together on a couch) and they're watching a blond women who they seem to know on the Craig Kilborn show. Wow, this must be an old show - that was forever ago. Also, the husband of the friend couple looks super familiar. He looks like a cross between Adam Sandler and Jason Biggs.

1:32 - the two women make fun of one of the men. Another staple of 40 something sitcoms - completely emasculating the husband. Why does this always happen - is life like this after 40? These guys are always either screwing up at their job, alienating their children, or not performing in bed, both from a quality and quantity standpoint. I just want a show where the dad is over 40 and completely dominates

1:33 - Laugh Track!!!! Show's over. Mercy

Upon further thought, I've decided not to watch the 1:30 show. 11 minutes is enough