Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lost Live Blog "Maybe She's Born With It"

Tonight's episode is about Richard Alpert, it all started years ago as a quality assurance tester at Maybelline. He was testing a super mascara and anti-aging cream make-up, when there was a freak explosion at the factory. Since then, Richard has been cursed with beautiful skin that never wrinkles and gorgeous mascara permanently fused to his eyes.

9:01- I knew it! They're in hell! I don't have to watch the show anymore. It's over.

9:08- Of course Isabella has a fever, you're running a fire in the middle of the hot summer. Olden times people are so dumb.

9:10- Ugh these subtitles. Too much reading!

9:11-Los rosados y morados con un toque más atrevido se unen para crear una colección intensamente femenina para el look de la primavera. Los tonos de edición limitada definen los ojos con rosados tradicionales y morados vivos. Los labios se visten con suntuosos tonos rosados.

9:13- OMG Ricardo is going to HELL. (by hell I mean a beautiful island paradise)

9:14- This episode would be a lot better if they had sombreros and those belts that have bullets all over them.

9:21- Yup he's on the Black Rock, I bet they crash mysteriously just like oceanic 815 did .

9:22- Why is this guy killing everyone? No bueno.

9:24- The smoke monster is sounding more and more like a dot matrix printer this season.

9:33- I bet when his wife was on the boat, it was just the smoke monster pretending to be her, then changing into the monster again, not killing her. This episode has much less to do with mascara then I thought it would.

9:35- Those wounds on his wrists can be fixed up easily with Maybelline age defying wound cover up cream.

9:43- Is this show really going to be about heaven and hell?

9:46- Jacob seems pretty pissed. Also a little pale... you know, a little Maybelline "natural coverage" foundation would work wonders for his skin.

9:51- I'm starting to feel like neither Jacob or the guy in black are allowed to lie. Notice they say things that are always true, and admit what they are, but always convince people anyway. Must be part of the rules.

9:53- Do you want a job? Just fax over your resume, I'll get the paperwork finished with HR.

9:55- So the island is the cork of hell. I so knew that.

9:56- I can't take Hurley seriously, in any situation.

9:57- The reason Hurley can see dead people is because he smoked a lot of weed.

10:00- What the fuck is this show about.

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