Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lost Live Blog

8:59- Holy shit there are only 10 episodes left.

9:00-Tonight's episode is about Ben's death, if you asked me a couple of years ago who my favorite character was it was probably him, since every episode with him in it was super evil. But lately he's been kind of boring. Time for him to die.

9:01- Serious, who gets caught up on Lost on these 20 second recaps, they make no sense. If you missed even one episode you're fucked.

9:02- Time for me to make my obligatory joke about how the show isn't called "Answers" it's called "Lost" we're never going to figure it out.

9:03 - Hey look it's that guy that blew up, maybe he'll blow tonight. (crossing fingers)

9:05- Placing bets on if Ben kills the principal

9:07- Everything about Lapidus makes me laugh

9:11- Organic frozen meals. Gay.

9:12 - Taking bets that Ben kills his dad

9:12- Fun Fact: Ben's dad was Uncle Rico in Napoleon Dynamite.

9:13- Taking bets that Ben bangs his daughter in the alternate universe.

9:15- Oh god Quann, we get it, you want to find Gin, fucking do it already you've been talking about it for like 20 episodes.

9:15- Hurley is funny cause he's fat.

9:15- Say it out loud, Lapidus...

9:22- Ben's daughter is kind of hot

9:25:- I love how nobody will explain anything to anyone on this show: Hurley: how come you never age... Mascara dude: can't tell you, we still haven't figured out how to write the explanations yet, even though it's been 5 seasons. ONLY 10 EPISODES LEFT.

9:31- I hope explosion guys just explodes for no reason. No explanation.

9:33- It all makes sense now, Mascara dude has mascara because he was a pirate on that boat.

9:42- Oh hi Locke

9:44- Banging the nurse in school, it's like a porno movie

9:48- Ben is going for the Emmy right here.

9:56- Totally redeemed himself.

9:57- Random shots of Lapidus cracking me up

9:58- Are we really supposed to be moved that they reunited again? This is like the 30th time.

9:59- Ben didn't die, they lied to us in the previews! I don't really care.

10:00- Lol at the periscope

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