Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lost Live Blog "Psychic and the Con Man"

This blog is late, sorry had to travel for work!

9:01- I'm always amazed at how fluent Jins English has become. He's a genius!

9:03- Apparently there is a whole secret society of Con men out there that we don't know about, and they are all trying to con each other.

9:04- Do you think that every single Sawyer's police sting operation involves banging some lady? I wonder what their legal team thinks about it.

9:08- Clairs monkey baby was funny.

9:11- "Psychic and The Con Man" great title for buddy cop show

9:18- Oh great Charlotte. BORING.

9:20- Taking bets that Sawyer bangs Charlotte.

9:20 and 30 seconds - Sawyer banged Charlotte.

9:21- Sawyer is like a real character now, it was a lot funner when he was just a wise cracking con man.

9:23- Locke pimp slapped Clair! Her hair looks like a bird nest.

9:25- WTF with the dead bodies from the plane.

9:27- Not lost related but one of the commercials had a cat wearing bunny ears for Easter. It was similar to this:

9:30- "Psychic and The Con Man" looks like a fun show!

9:31- Taking bets Sawyer bangs Miles

9:32- Love the cliche "punching the mirror" scene

9:33- I don't like this chick with the glasses.

9:33- Zombie Locke is at least honest. Starting to to make it hard to pick sides. Maybe it's not good vs evil.

9:34- I bet lady with the glasses is a con man!

9:36- Called it!

9:42- Are we supposed to believe the smoke monster has mommy issues? I wonder what smoke monsters mom looks like. I also wonder how smoke monsters procreate. (ashamed of my thought process here)

9:43- Whitmores group looks like the nerd patrol. God damn geeks.

9:44- Ladies, just so you know: Contrary to popular belief, most single guys usually sit around and watch Little Louse on the Prairie instead of sports while eating our microwave dinners and drinking beer.

9:45- I like how he brought the beer and a flower with him when he went to see Charlotte. He probably should have brought his Little House On The Prairie DVD collection too.

9:55- lol @ car crash and chase sequence. Currently writing a letter to ABC pleading them to make "Psychic and the Con Man"

9:59- We're takin the sub... because anyone can operate a sub, as opposed to an airplane.

10:00- Excited about Richards episode next week.


  1. Total agreement on the sub issue. Who the hell is going to operate it? I like there chances better trying to fly the plane without a runway to take off from.

  2. "Psychic and the Con Man" starring Stifler as Sawyer and Jackie Chan as Miles. Tuesdays on ABC.
